Monday, September 26, 2011

the journey. the footsteps.

dEaTh....the ultimate disease of life. dEaTh will reach us all one day. scared of death because i'm always loving and caring, not wanting the good times to end. my emotions, constantly feeling and having no control over myself.

i like to find excitement- 1.puppies cream 3.athletics 4.loving. knowing that all these things may result in pain- 1.grow up 2.melts 3.crippled 4.goodbye....

it's like going in for surgery and signing a waiver saying bad things might happen and that you're okay with that, i signed a waiver on life- i knew that all these things would bring delight, but that they may result in abhorrence as well. 

some say time heals all wounds, i say it just helps us bury them deeper. few things heal completely but all things leave their scars on us. what we like to call battle wounds, but if we get hurt, why do we choose to fight? our spirit, your spirit, my spirit. i don't give up and i will never give in. 
 we know dEaTh takes us all in the end, but it's not
the end, 
the finale, 
the conclusion 
that we're fighting against, but the journey in which we're fighting for. 

what we leave behind. memories. how we handle the good times, the rough times. enjoy life as it comes, “life lives, life dies. life laughs, life cries. life gives up and life tries. But life looks different through everyone's eyes"........ don't get caught up in the moment..... live in the moment.
 We are afraid to live, but scared to die
-Inderpal Bahra
  know what you're doing now is what you're leaving behind.

f                                   s
  o                          p
     o                 e
        t        t

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I walk alone, but is it what I chose or is it something I don't have control over? I don't want to walk alone. Who does? It seems so pessimistic
to say I walk alone when there are millions of people all around me. Why don't we use the resources we are given?
I have family, I have an amazing best friend, but can you tell them everything? Do you want to tell them anything?? Why do we keep things to ourselves? So many of us do this; we don't say what we're thinking, what we're feeling, what we really want; and then we wonder why we aren't happy
Why don't we do what we want to do? Why do we lie to those we love and scorn the ones we don't? Why do I miss people? Why do people come into our lives only to leave again?
Why do we long to be loved and wanted? Why don't guys talk to me? Do I try to hard? Do I not try hard enough? 
Why do we crave
wanting to be
Why do I think things I don't want to think about? 
Why am I putting myself down?
Why didn't I say yes?
Why didn't I say no?
Why am I so afraid of getting hurt? Emotionally, physically, spiritually! It doesn't matter! Why are we so afraid of commitment? 
We can't just live life in the shadows, walking down a deserted and desolate boulevard with nothing but dark, depressing thoughts!
Move on! Live your dreams!!
Why a life of broken dreams when it can be a life of fulfillment
and what you want?
Go and TRY to fulfill your dreams
Be yourself and dream your biggest, it never hurts to try and
It only hurts for a minute if you fail
  Why can't I understand?!
Why can't anyone understand? Why does the world spin on when I feel stuck?

Why do I walk alone? I don't WANT to walk alone! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Feild Trip

I see the flag.
I looks like patriotism.
It reminds me of pie and the good-old-times.
It reminds me of how privileged I am and asks me why I complain about such insignificant things; such as having the most expensive clothes of the newest phone when there are bigger issues to think about.
It reminds me of hard work and what it takes to live free and be something.
It reminds me of respect and how not enough people even know what it means anymore.
How easily we think we can walk all over each other or think we're better than the person sitting next to us.
I don't care if you think you are above them because NEWS FLASH you aren't.
Our soldiers out there fighting aren't thinking about whose the most popular or has the nicest things, I'm sorry but they are fighting for my freedom as equally as yours.
So the next time you look at someone open your eyes and see what really matters and don't just look through them.
Try showing a little more respcet to those around you, especially your parents, teachers and other authoritative persons because they are only looking our for you. Don't talk back for once and do what you are asked.
Stop looking at what people are wearing of acting and try actually caring for once and show that little respect because you represent something much much bigger-the Flag, the greatest country in the world, The United States of America!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm STILL Thinking About You

One day you said goodbye but I could never wrap my mind around that
My life has never been the same
Five months go by and you say you've been thinking about me
You say you've been thinking about me?!
Don't even get me started

I've been thinking about you like the sun thinks about the sunrise
Like the sunrise thinks about sunset
Like the sunset thinks about the stars
Like you and I used to look at the stars 

I've been thinking about you like nightmares think about monsters
Like nightmares that are your day dreams
Like you wish monsters were all you worried about
Like my pillows wonder why I'm crying

I've been thinking about you like wanderers think about a home
Like dreams think about happening
Like memories think about remembering
Like I wish I could soften the memories of you

I'm still thinking about you like warmth thinks about bodies
Like bodies think about holding
Like arms think about molding
Like your arms folded right around me

I'm still thinking about you like words think about talking
Like talking thinks about knowing
Like knowing tries to understand but fails miserably
Like failures lead to success
Like your failure to know may lead to my success
Like success can't come without trials
Like trials can't come without heartache
Like love can't come without hearthache
Like I wish I could understand why
Like you wish your life would come together

Like time thinks about sand
and sand thinks about toes
and toes think about feet who think about walking on the beach
that thinks about holding your hand

One day I might stop thinking about you
But for now it's a bitter sweet memory that doesn't seem real
that might not be real for how could something so sweet end so sour
I'm thinking about you like a true love would never forget

Friday, September 2, 2011


Love is walking a tight rope with bad balance.

Love is getting the butterflies every time you're with someone, even after ten years.

Love is like eating cookie dough at midnight.

Love is not something to be taken lightly, but given freely.

Love is stealing the honey from a thousands bees.

Love is the biggest word in the dictionary.

Love can grow in the worst conditions.
Love is tears when you don't want them.

Love is not something you can choose.

Love is always on your mind.

Love is a chandelier: beautiful to look at, dangerous if it falls on you.